quinta-feira, julho 11, 2013

Livros: Reading List

Eis a lista dos 50 Cult Livros elaborada pelo Daily Telegraph  em 2008 (na integra, aqui). I have so much to catch up with!

A sequecia abaixo, em Portugues e do http://recantodaspalavras.com.br/2008/05/10/cult-livros-os-50-melhores-de-todos-os-tempos.

  1. Matadouro 5 (Salughterhouse – 5) – Kurt Vonnegut (1969) 
  2. Quarteto de Alexandria, O (The Alexandria Quartet) – Lawrence Durrel (1957/60) 
  3. Às Avessas (A Rebours) – J.K. Huysmans (1884) 
  4. Baby and Child Care Dr. Benjamin Spock (1946) 
  5. Mito da Beleza, O (The Beauty Myth) – Naomi Wolf (1991) 
  6. Redoma de Vidro, A (The Bell Jar) – Sylvia Plath (1963)
  7. Ardil 22 (Catch-22) – Joseph Heller (1961) 
  8. Apanhador no Campo de Centeio, O (The Catcher in the Rye) – JD Salinger (1951) 
  9. Profecia Celestina, A (The Celestine Prophecy) – James Redfield (1993)
  10. Homem dos Dados, O (The Dice Man) – Luke Rhinehart (1971)
  11. Eram os Deuses Astronautas? (Chariots of the Gods: Was God An Astronaut?) – Erich Von Däniken (1968) 
  12. Confraria de Tolos, Uma (A Confederacy of Dunces) – John Kennedy Toole (1980) 
  13. Confissões (Confessions) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1782) 
  14. Memórias e Confissões de Um Pecador Justificado (The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner) – James Hogg (1824) 
  15. Dianética: a ciência moderna da saúde mental (Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health) – L Ron Hubbard (1950)
  16. Portas da Percepção, As (The Doors of Perception) – Aldous Huxley (1954) 
  17. Duna (Dune) – Frank Herbert (1965) 
  18. Guia do Mochileiro da Galáxia (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) - Douglas Adams (1979)
  19. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test – Tom Wolfe (1968)
  20. Medo de Voar (Fear of Flying) – Erica Jong (1973) 
  21. Mulher Eunuco, A (The Female Eunuch) – Germaine Greer (1970) 
  22. Nascente, A (The Fountainhead) – Ayn Rand (1943) 
  23. Gödel, Escher, Bach: um entrelaçamento de gênos brilhantes (Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid) – Douglas R Hofstadter (1979) 
  24. Arco-Íris da Gravidade (Gravity’s Rainbow) – Thomas Pynchon (1973) 
  25. The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln (1982) 
  26. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (1948) 
  27. Se Um Viajante Numa Noite de Inverno (If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller) – Italo Calvino (1979) 
  28. João de Ferro (Iron John: a Book About Men) – Robert Bly (1990) 
  29. Fernão Capelo Gaivota (Jonathan Livingston Seagull) – Richard Bach and Russell Munson (1970) 
  30. The Magus – John Fowles (1966)
  31. Labirinto (Labyrinths) – Jorge Luis Borges (1962) 
  32. Leopardo, O (The Leopard) by Giuseppe di Lampedusa (1958) 
  33. Mestre e Margarida (The Master and Margarita) – Mikhail Bulgakov (1967) 
  34. Sem Logo – A Tirania das Marcas em um Planeta Vendido (No Logo) – Naomi Klein (2000) 
  35. On The Road – Pé na Estrada (On The Road) -Jack Kerouac (1957) 
  36. Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) – Hunter S Thompson (1971)
  37. Outsider, O (The Outsider) – Colin Wilson (1956) 
  38. Profeta, O (The Prophet) - Kahlil Gibran (1923) 
  39. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell (1914) 
  40. Rubáiyát (The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám) – Edward FitzGerald (1859)
  41. The Road to Oxiana by Robert Byron (1937) 
  42. Siddhartha (Siddhartha) by Hermann Hesse (1922)
  43. Sofrimentos do Jovem Werther (The Sorrows of Young Werther) – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1774) 
  44. História de O (Story of O) – Pauline Réage (1954)
  45. Estrangeiro, O (The Stranger) – Albert Camus (1942) 
  46. Erva do Diabo, A (The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui Way of Knowledge) – Carlos Castaneda (1968) 
  47. Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain (1933) 
  48. Assim Falou Zaratustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1883-85) 
  49. Sol é Para Todos, O (To Kill a Mockingbird) – Harper Lee (1960) 
  50. Zen e a Arte de Manutenção de Motocicletas (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: an Inquiry into Values) – Robert M Pirsig (1974)

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